Don't see a question listed here? Let us know and maybe we'll add it! More FAQs will be added soon...
I'm a total beginner, and have never done yoga before. Which class should I take first?
It's best to take the Saturday morning 10:00am 1 hour Ashtanga Basics class.
I've done other types of yoga before, just never Ashtanga. Do I still need to start with the Ashtanga Basics class on Saturdays?
Well, it's recommended to so that you will learn the foundation and the differences of this unique practice. After one Basics class you may be ready to take any other class. But if you already have a steady yoga practice in a different style and would like to try it then sure, drop in to any class.
Do you have special rates for new students?
Yep! 3 classes for $21! Now that's a bargain!
Are your classes heated?
No, we do not heat the room to over 90° or 100°, this is not 'Hot' Yoga. We keep the room at a normal/warm temperature of around 75°. It's not necessary for the class to be heated to 100° to do yoga. You will get warm and sweat by proper breathing, core engagement and 'vinyasas' and by just flowing through the physical practice which together builds up heat from the inside out. In the summer the room may naturally get warmer. Click on the image below to see an example of sweating in class from doing the Ashtanga practice, not because the room is 100°. It also helps preserve our much needed natural resources by not cranking the heat higher than necessary.
Also, when you sweat in an Ashtanga class, you know that you are sweating because YOU are doing the work (and will reap the benefits by doing so) - NOT because the room is heated to 100° or more, which may give you a false sense of accomplishment because there you are sweating from the room being extremely hot where it doesn't take much physical effort to sweat in that environment.
Do the instructors talk a lot during class?
No. We do not talk a lot during class with non-pertinent information not related to your yoga class such as philosophy or how to live your life. During class you will be verbally guided with the name of the posture called out and when to inhale and exhale as you flow through the sequence of postures, with some additional information on alignment or focus. Any additional 'talkiness' becomes a distraction and you will lose the yoga experience of focusing inward rather than outward. You will lose the meditative quality of the practice. Ashtanga does follow the 8-limbed yoga path, which besides the physical practice includes the Yamas, Niyamas, Non-Harming, etc., which are found in texts you can read at the studio and through self-study or workshops.
How long should I wait after eating/drinking before practicing?
Everyone's digestion may be different, but generally wait at least a few hours after a heavy meal and about a half hour after drinking water. Then wait around 15 minutes or so after class to drink or eat. Give the body some time to 'normalize'.
Is it ok to drink water during class?
You shouldn't drink water during class. It will cool off your core or internal heat which you build up during practice and drinking water also begins the digestive process bringing blood flow and energy to that area where instead we want the body in a neutral state. Picking up your water bottle and drinking is also a fidget and is a distraction taking you out of your practice and the yoga experience.
Will I get personal attention during classes?
Yes, everyone gets personal attention during class. You will be given verbal queues and alignment corrections when necessary. Let us know if you have any specific injuries and you will be shown how to modify the practice accordingly. Physical adjustments are sometimes given during class, if you'd rather not have any, for whatever reason, let us know.
What's that weird language you're speaking during class?
Sanskrit. It's the language of yoga. This is a real, traditional yoga system and the posture's names are given in Sanskrit. It also makes it universal. You can take an Ashtanga class anywhere in the world and they will be using the same Sanskrit terms for all of the postures, even if their native language is different, so you will know the practice and each posture. If you only hear the English names there are often variations here in the West which can make it confusing.
How often should I practice to see results?
At LEAST 2 times per week to see SOME sort of progress. You will feel better the more often and more consistently that you practice. Traditionally it's a 6 day a week practice, taking moon days and another day of the week off. The benefits of the practice will become apparent as you practice more often. That doesn't mean you need to do the full 90 minute practice every day. When time is limited you can do a shorter practice or even the minimum which consists of 5 'A' Sun Salutations, 3 'B' Sun Salutations and then just the final 3 postures then lie down and rest a few minutes - total of which takes about 10 or 12 minutes. Better to incorporate shorter practices consistently many times a week than to just do full practice sporadically once in a while.